Detection technology for corrections is advancing in leaps and bounds over the past few years, offering facilities new advantages for maintaining safety and efficiency in more challenging and unsafe times.
Though the administrators of some facilities might question the need to upgrade older technology at a considerable expense, the research shows that doing so provides three important benefits.
Based on these advantages, integrating this newer, and more reliable technology makes correctional facilities safer, and more organized places.
- Time Savings and Safety - Recent improvements in detection technology for corrections provide a faster and more accurate method of performing security checks. With greater speed and accuracy, it allows corrections officers to provide faster service with fewer errors, accuracy that protects employees, inmates, and all other persons at these facilities.
- Improved Organization - Improved detection technology for corrections also makes record-keeping easier and faster, reducing the organizational work that correctional officers must complete as part of the day-to-day job. Better organization with respect to security scanning allows administrators to more easily analyze their facilities to look for dangerous trends, as well as easily provide security and safety records as necessary for legal reasons. Inmate transfers are also facilitated with the ability to more quickly transfer detailed digital records to other correctional agencies.
- Higher Correctional Officer Retention - With the technology to make their jobs both easier and also safer, more facilities are able to retain correctional officers longer, which traditionally have a high turnover rate. This is definitely an advantageous investment considering the time investment that goes into the training of correctional officers. With safety a top concern among correctional officers according to industry research, faster and more accurate detection technology allows them to do their jobs with improved safety and less exposure to inmates. Improved accuracy and better organization allows officers to focus on more important aspects of the job as inmate populations continue to rise.
Though many corrections facilities may feel there is no need for such an expenditure, upgrading detection technology for corrections offers important benefits for running a safe and efficient facility.
Among these benefits, the most important is the retention of corrections officers, which in itself will pay for the acquisition of this newer, better dectection technology over time.
Lower turnover of officers lends to a safer, more efficient facility.
As such, facilities that do upgrade their detection technology for corrections to more current, advanced models find it to be an overall gain.